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You are not connected to the wallet.


How do I connect with a different wallet?

Click on "Disconnect Wallet", then click "Connect Wallet" and choose your preferred wallet from the popup.

How do I switch to the Binance Smart Chain network?

After connecting your wallet, if you are not on the Binance Smart Chain network, you will receive a prompt to switch. Click "OK" to attempt an automatic switch or manually change the network in your wallet.

What should I do if I receive the "unsupported 1" error?

This means you are connected to an unsupported network. Please switch your wallet to the Binance Smart Chain network and try again.

Why am I seeing "No Web3 wallet detected" on mobile Chrome?

This message appears if no Web3-compatible wallet is detected in your browser. Please use MetaMask Mobile, Trust Wallet, or a similar wallet that supports WalletConnect.